LifeGroups-IconLife Group(s)

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22

Life Groups are small groups in people's homes to help each of us KNOW, GROW, SHOW, and GO out with our faith. They are the main way we disciple and support each other at Richmond Church. They are times to get to know people better; to spend time reading, discussing and applying the Bible; and then pray for each other - and we have fun too. Groups may rotate around a variety of homes and we occasionally arrange to eat together before the meeting. For the program, see our Term Card!

Current groups:

  1. Monday Afternoon @ 1:00 pm (Rotating around homes in the area)
  2. Tuesday Evening @ 7:30 pm (Rotating around homes in the area)
  3. YoLG (Youth Life Group) on Sundays after the service

Please contact Martin about joining a Life Group.  

Icon-Ladies'FellowshipLadies' Fellowship

Wednesday at 2:30 pm (1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month)

This is an informal service for the more senior ladies with time to chat together over refreshments.

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